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E-Light Photofacial

Radio frequency uses controlled heat to stimulate collagen production to tighten the skin. Meanwhile, Intense Pulsed Light targets the elastin and as an added bonus can sort those pigment irregularities, such as sunspots and redness, promoting a more even skin tone. Both technologies have proven efficacy individually, but when strategically combined, they offer a comprehensive approach to address various skin concerns simultaneously. It is the ultimate light therapy from which light and radio frequency (RF) reach the dermis. The e-Light is a light treatment that can comprehensively improve skin problems through the double action of IPL (light energy) and RF (radio frequency), which promotes collagen production and turnover by stimulating fibroblasts and activating cells.

You probably have heard about IPL Photofacial and Radio Frequency Facial and know for a fact that those treatments have promising results. What if I told you that I combined those two and are able to bring the Intense Pulse Lights even deeper into your skin using RF(Radio Frequency)? How you ask? With e-Light Photofacial.

What is e-Light Photofacial?

Radio frequency uses controlled heat to stimulate collagen production to tighten the skin. Meanwhile, Intense Pulsed Light targets the elastin and as an added bonus can sort those pigment irregularities, such as sunspots and redness, promoting a more even skin tone. Both technologies have proven efficacy individually, but when strategically combined, they offer a comprehensive approach to address various skin concerns simultaneously. It is the ultimate light therapy from which light and radio frequency (RF) reach the dermis. The e-Light is a light treatment that can comprehensively improve slin problems through the double action of IPL (light energy) and RF (radio frequency), which promotes collagen production and turnover by stimulating fibroblasts and aciviating cells.

How it works:

It addresses all sorts of skin problems within the skin. Using five diffrent filters, the wavelength of the light is adjusted to match the problem. It is capable of providing comprehensive treatment to all sorts of skin issues. Acne, blemishes, spots, discoloration, hyperpigmetation, wrinkles, and firm and tightness (laxtivity).

Things to know:

  • Avoid tanning! This treatment can not be preformed on tanned skin. NO SUN for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the service. The skin is very sensitive to the sun and may burn much easily.

  • Blemishes may get darker after treatments, but this is normal. Repeated irradication/treatment will remove blemishes during celluar turnover.

  • Keep skin moisterized after treatment. After three days the skin will improve greatly and you will be able to actual see and feel the diffrence in your beautiful skin. It will contuine to change for up to two weeks after a treatment.

  • Side effects:

    • Redness – This is fairly common. It’s a sign of irritation and generally goes away after a few hours.

    • Brown spots – If you underwent the procedure to treat dark spots and are suddenly faced with darker ones, don’t fret. This is normal. The dark spots may last for up to a week but will then fade.

    • Crusting – Some of the dark spots you’ve treated will grow hard and begin to flake. This is normal and temporary. DO NOT PICK THEM! Moisturize them and they will fall off soon enough. Picking can cause scarring.

    • Bruising – This side effect is fairly uncommon and mild when it does occur.

Who can NOT have this treatment?

  • Anyone pregnant, planning on getting pregnant or just gave birth and is nursing.

  • Anyone wanting a treatment that the area has metal such as bolts or titanium in it.

  • Recent surgery.

  • Anyone who has recent injection on collagen, hyaluronic acid or Botox. (These services need to be a leaset 30 days old)

  • Gold thread inserts

  • Unable to treat the eyelids or area surrounding

  • Unable to treat any are that has warts.

Hands $ 125

Hands & 1/2 Arms $ 200

Face $ 250

Hands & Full Arms $ 275

Face, Neck & Decollate $ 350

** All treatments priced per session.. Three - Five treatments are recommended for best results

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